Telecommunications Industry: Connecting talent and companies

The ability to share words, ideas and data across vast distances has transformed the world. In the business, entertainment and culture sectors, telecommunications firms continue to lead the way. Apricone provides the staff that helps these firms evolve to take advantage of new opportunities and serve their customers

What needs do we meet for telecommunications firms?

Information Technology

We have people who understand the systems used by telecommunications firms. We can also provide advanced IT services to their business customers.

Digital Marketing & Creative

Telecommunications is a highly competitive field, with companies offering bundles of services to consumers and businesses. Our marketing and creative talent help telecom firms stand out from the crowd with compelling messages, offers and outreach.

Business & Strategy

The telecommunications industry is driven by people who can find new opportunities and efficiencies and bring these ideas to fruition. Our business analysts, project staff and change managers help telecom firms stay ahead of the curve. 

We serve companies in:

  • Residential telephone and data services
  • Entertainment programming
  • Business technology solutions

Talent: Looking for a job in the telecommunications industry?

We place talent at top telecommunications companies. If you’re an expert in IT, digital marketing and creative or business and strategy for the telecommunications industry, start here.