Energy Industry: Powering innovation for essential services

The energy industry sits at the complex intersection of retail commerce, industrial-scale operations, government regulation and the business marketplace. Apricone provides the full range of skills needed in the energy industry, at the level demanded by companies that are expected to be up and running anytime their services are needed.

What needs do we meet for energy firms?

Information Technology

Energy firms have to manage enormous amounts of data just to keep operating. Their systems must be incredibly secure. And they need to support customers, billing, workers in the field, operations and reporting.

Digital Marketing & Creative

The sales side of energy and utilities relies on strong branding and clear messaging. We can help energy firms find and hire creatives who understand the nuances of customer service in a regulated industry.

Business & Strategy

We help energy firms perform their critical duties by running their projects with precision. Project managers and Scrum masters keep projects on time and on track.

We serve energy firms involved in:

  • Retail electric delivery
  • Generation and transmission
  • Renewable energy

Talent: Looking for a job in the energy industry?

We help place talent at top energy firms. If you’re an expert in IT, digital marketing and creative or business strategy for the energy industry, start here.