Manufacturing Industry: Customized skills to keep assembly lines running

Manufacturers thrive on a balance of product innovation and steady operations. Apricone provides the people who keep those engines turning. We utilize our culture of creativity to help manufacturers turn their ideas into real products, maximize the efficiency of their existing lines and build and satisfy demand. 

What needs do we meet for manufacturing firms?

Information Technology

The supply chains needed to keep manufacturers operating are global and complex – and so are the IT systems needed to run them efficiently. In addition, some manufacturers are moving into retail and need strong e-commerce and CRM systems.

Digital Marketing & Creative

Manufacturers rely on strong branding to convert prospective customers into brand loyalists. Companies that make consumer goods have an opportunity to move into the retail space – and often need to hire talent that can move people to buy.

Business & Strategy

Planning for new product launches, efficiency initiatives and everyday operations requires insightful business intelligence and effective project management. Apricone helps find people who understand the manufacturing business.

We serve organizations who offer:

  • Medical devices
  • Industrial equipment and supplies
  • Durable goods
  • Apparel

Talent: Looking for a job in the manufacturing industry?

We help place talent at top manufacturers. If you’re an expert in IT, digital marketing and creative or business and strategy for the manufacturing industry, start here.